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2024 Al-Anon Membership Survey Opens

June 20, 2024

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2024 Al-Anon Membership Survey

Mark Your Calendars: Thursday, June 20, 2024! It is time for another Al-Anon Membership Survey! This survey has been conducted every three years since 1984 and is a very important service event for all Al-Anon members. This survey provides data-supported evidence that Al-Anon recovery works, so professionals can feel comfortable recommending Al-Anon to their clients and patients. The Al-Anon Membership Survey is: Open to all Al-Anon members ages 18 and over; Available in Spanish, French, and English; Conducted June 20-July 31, 2024.

Participation in Al-Anon surveys by all members, regardless of length of membership in the program, level of involvement in service work, or any other factor, is of the utmost importance in helping to develop and evaluate programs that will strengthen and grow the Al-Anon Family Groups.

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