
AIMS: The Al-Anon/Alateen Newsletter for Northern Illinois

What is AIMS?

Subscribe to AIMS Newsletter

AIMS is a monthly newsletter for members of Al-Anon in Northern Illinois. It contains notices and fliers for upcoming open meetings, business meetings, etc. It has articles by members, and reports from officers of the Northern Illinois area. And it has forms! Forms for ordering tapes, adding/deleting/changing group meeting information, submitting information for the web site calendar page, and ordering AIMS itself.

AIMS is mailed free to all Al-Anon and Alateen groups registered in Northern Illinois. Members can also order a personal subscription. Stay in touch, get a personal subscription!

How do I order an AIMS subscription?

AIMS is only for members of Al-Anon, and to maintain the anonymity of Al-Anon members, it can only be ordered by using the order form in the back of AIMS. Members of Al-Anon may get this form from the free copy that is mailed to each Al-Anon/Alateen group. The cost of an annual subscription is $6.00.

Is AIMS available on-line?

The Latest issue of the AIMS newsletter is now available to view or print on-line. The newsletter will be updated the first week of every month.

2025 AIMS Issues

2024 AIMS Issues

Archive of 2023 Q4 (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) AIMS Issues